Saturday, March 23, 2013

Why booking Catalonia Tradition ?

- Because Catalonia Traditions is an experience that can be adapted for you, if you want a total immersion in the culture and tradition.

- Because the Catalan people is responsive and kind to the people who participate and share their traditions.

- Because B&B in Priorat is not only a lodging, let yourself carry by the Mediterranean as it was time ago, without artificial ingredients.

- Because during the seven days of CATALONIA TRADITION, you feel emotions from sunrise to sunset.

- Because our traditions are your place.

- Because you can find beautiful and unknown beaches that delightful you.

For booking 7 days you have to be present that these celebrations are at the following dates :

21,22,23 April of 2013 (St. Jordi)

23,24,28 June of 2013 (St. Joan)
19 August 2013  (St. Magí)
23 September 2013 (Sta. Tecla/La Merçe)

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